The Scent Of Green Papaya 1993

The Scent Of Green Papaya

Original Title
Mùi Du Du Xanh

Hong Kong Title
The Scent Of Green Papaya

Plot Synopsis

There are two kinds of papaya in the world, red and yellow, however when both picked unripe, they become green papaya. Fresh and pure, The Scent of Green Papaya, like poem for the eyes, is an exquisite film filled with beauties in the smallest details. Mui is an orphan who is hired to work at the home of an affluent Saigon family when she was 10. Without the needs of much dialogue, its delicate lens leads us to Mui's placid and inquisitive eyes. Through the contemplative images of a drop of water trembling on a leaf, a line of busy ants industriously carrying food, we leisurely witness the growth of the sprout. As we see Mui appears as a graceful 20-year-old and the family's fortunes fade, Mui winded up as servant to the handsome pianist she distantly fancied. This affection is secretly hided in Mui's heart until the green papaya was slowly cut open...

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